Power Cord Length

In another thread it was posted that power cords should be no shorter than 5 feet. Can anyone explain why a 5 foot power cord should sound better than a 3 footer?

A friend was recently told by a famous cable maker that a 1.8 meter cable sounds better than a 1 meter cable.
Cha ching, cha ching -- it's music to the ears of the cable
salesman with the cash register. IMHO it's pure nonsense.
If your power cords are shorter than 5 feet, aliens from the planet Gammar can use them as antennas to transmit subliminal messages through your audio system. This is in preparation for their planned invasion in 2007. If you are using a short power cable, shield it by wrapping with Rhodium foil.

Gotta go now....it's medication time!
It depends on the cord and gauge. In any case you need to get power to where ever the component is so your stuck there. Anyhow I think the best thing is to get a good power center with a big capacitor in it and have it near the components. or a little one like the ps audio ultimate outlet and have it near the sub or whatever so then run a short cord off of it. This will provide a little power in resorve by the componment so if it draws alot there is a bit in reserve A larger guage power cable also helps here for the same reasons. Vs. running a long cord from the power center to the component.

If you are just coming from the outlet just get a decent shielded cord.
Okay...I wasted my undergraduate tuition for my physics degree if I said anything other than "a power cord needs to be longer than 5 feet to be a clean conductor? What are you smoking?!"

What I *have* heard, though, is that some manufacturers (myself included, when I used to put together my own lab cables) use particular kinds of casings and antistatic/insulators that can actually pinch the conducting core if the cables are so short that their curves are of some, often small, angle or less (pinching). Thus, if you have a cable of "sufficient length" cabling loops are allowed, as long as they're not too tight. This generally describes home-grown, and often *cheaper* cables, though, not high end lab/mil spec/a/v cables...

I seriously doubt that such precarious storage/use requirements were employed by the company you used: after many years in a lab, I've only used one material - a flexible carbon fiber-aluminum hybrid - whose characteristics for best signal passage demanded relatively unkinked runs. It cost ~$2200/6". Thus, unless that was one, well, really costly power cord, I'd say it is unlikely a realistic concern for you.
