Silver vs. Cooper speakers cables

I want to know if silver cables are really better than cooper.
Up to the moment I use Audioquest Volcano biwire cooper cables but many people recomend move to silver for my Tannoy Speakers.
Pure silver or hibrid cooper silver ?
AQ silver cables are very expensive, but I can saw that there are many silver cables at very affordable price like Silver Audio or Analysis Plus.
Please let your opinions and recomendations.
In my experience with silver cables, generically one could expect a little extra detail (and perhaps tizzyness) while sacrificing some warmth and fullness.

Generically, one could also expect slightly less detail but more warmth and fullness and naturalness with a copper cable.

But as with most things, it ultimately, it comes down to the attention given and execution of the design by the mfg'er. And once this special attention has been given to either cable, all bets are off.

It would seem however that it is more common to see the extra detail designed into a copper cable than it is to see added warmth and fullness designed into a silver cable.

But again, when a truly smart cookie is designing the cable, it should matter less what material is used.

This is a tough question since Silver can show the warts in your system very clearly. I have just replaced all of my 47Labs OTA cabling with Audio NOte silver wire. The differences are NOT subtle. The silver wire (in my system) is both more detailed, but more vivid of tone also.One thig is certain, the AN silver is better in the bass. It is more extended, and has more impact. It's the tone that is most noticeable. There is NO coarseness, only music. I am a convert. It so happens that my amp is wired with the same silver wire. (AN Neiro) The is a synergy.
My experience has shown me that no advice will need to try the cables in YOUR system.

I recently tried the Acoustic Zen silver Reference between my CD Playar and preamp. It turned the sound flat and unemotional compared to the AZ Matrix II copper.

Ya gotta try the cable yourself!


Paul :-)
I totally agree with Beemer,regardless if the cables are silver or copper you MUST try them in your own system to tell if you will like them or not. Paul when you audtioned the AZ silver reference cable was it the first generation or silver reference II? I found quite a difference between the two cables in my system. The II's were much better then the I's. At that point I found they gave me a more extended top end with wonderful details and air without any glare or harshness. I did not experience any of the problems sonicly that you did,hence my question.
I have definite biases against pure silver, but a great love of cables containing silver and either gold and/or copper. I realize it does not tell you anything other than my opinion but it is based on what may be facts that 1) silver is easily contaminated hence a combination that allows it to be plated, and 2) above 10k there can be problems depending upon its purity. Rather than find out which cables are best and going through that learning curve I prefer to try ones that have silver but with it plated. Others may correct me freely if I am mistaken, knowledge however obtained is always good. Michael