The best USED transport today - for under 500.00

Looking for a USED transport for under $500.00 - any recommendations ?
I like the Rotel 980 I own. They can be found for around $300 on the after market. It has the much desired Phillips CDM-9 loader and single beam laser. It is built like a tank with a good sized power supply.
Aiwa XC-37M 5 Disc Changer.. $50 to $60. Doubt it? Go to the Chicago Audio Society and see for yourself at... ... and search using Aiwa
EAD T-7000 transport replaced my Proceed PDT-2 I was using it wasn't a hard decision whatsoever there's a considerable difference between them sonically
Woops...That link is

The other one is a commericial site.
I have owned the Rotel and the Aiwa mentioned above and have tried the Audio Alchemy.
I still own a Parasound and will not sell it. The Parasound is much better. Smoother, richer, deeper bass.
If you get the Aiwa modified by Stan Warren, it will be a little bit better than the Rotel and AA, but still not quite up to the Parasound.