Recent reviews on Cyberlight IC's

I am looking for some recent user opinions on the Cyberlights IC's. I know there are some good reviews on Positive Feedback, but I would love to here some recent users opinions.
Frank and Oneprof,

Pleases let us know when you get your power supplies from Ric and post your impressions.

Thank you
Well the latest review in Stereophile by Mikey Fremer is definitely undifinitive. He loved em, the measurements showed some real abberations.
Levi who gave the cyberlights the best ever IC has now changed his tune when reviewing Silversmith cables in latest positive feedback.

Now they are only his fav under 3k cables.
Silversmith and valhalla are his ultimate over 3k cable.

listening to the reviewers needs to be taken with a huge grain of salt.

I for one would not believe anything that came out of Robert Levi's review mouth.
Actually John Atkinson's measurements coincide with some other reports that had been floating around on AA. One question I have been pondering is, why would HT's engineers not observe this behavior?
With Stereophile involved, you know its lots of marketing hype. You will get opinions on both "sides of the aisle."