CD Player output to L/R 5.1 input of Pre-Amp

Does the pre-amp processor converts the analog signal from cd analog out to digital and then reconvert that to analog before sending to the amplifier ?
Is it better to connect the cd out to the 5.1 anlog input of the pre-amp instead of regular analog input, so there will be less processing done by the pre-amp ? Is there any difference or they both are the same ? The whole idea for me to use my cd-players DAC instead of the pre-amp.

Thanks for reply.
5.1 inputs are almost always analog passthroughs by default and don't digitally process the signal, but I don't know specifically about the Parasound. From what you describe it seems as if there is no digitization taking place through the 5.1 input, but if I were you I'd call Parasound to know for sure. While you're at it you should also ask them if all the analog inputs digitize the incoming analog signal -- sometimes there is one analog input that avoids the digital circuitry. Best of luck.
Thanks Soix for your reply.
I've called Parasound and they have confirmed that 5.1 inputs are direct, no digitization is taking place. All the other inputs are going through some sort of processing.
Yes - I guess I did not realize you were specifically referring to the 5.1 inputs. Typically these are analog passthroughs.