Hard Disk Playback Systems

Why are more audiophiles not using hard disk playback systems? The category includes full blown systems by Linn, Escient or Revox; stand alone machines from Yamaha or Harmon Kardon and computer based systems such as Apple/MacIntosh running iTunes software. I've been using an Apple system for about a year and while there are a few drawbacks, the positives are overwhelming.

First the negatives:
- it can be expensive. The Linn or Revox turnkey systems are over $15k. The Apple system I've assembled (including multiple hard disks) cost nearly $6,000.
- a computer is noisy. I've had to place the computer tower within a closed cabinet, but it still introduces 4dB of added background noise into the listening room. I don't believe any of the dedicated systems have this problem.
- the initial setup is tedious. If you have a medium to large CD collection (say 500+), then individually "ripping" each CD and typing in title and song info is quite tiresome. However, if your hard disk/computer is hooked up to the internet, then that info can be automatically downloaded.

The positives:
- assuming you stored the music at full redbook spec (16/44.1), then the sound quality is comparable to a high quality CD transport.
- you have virtually instant access to all of your music collection. Additionally, using "playlists" you can organize your music whichever way you like. THIS FEATURE CANNOT BE UNDERVALUED.
- burning compilation CDs is very quick and easy. Simply click and drag whatever songs you want to a new playlist and hit "burn".
- it's networkable. The computer based and high end Linn/Revox systems have the flexibility to distribute a digital signal throughout your house. This can even be done wirelessly. - it's transportable. Say you going to your vacation home, what would you rather drag along, 100 of your favortie CDs, or a couple of 120Gb firewire hard disks with ALL of your music. Apple based hard disk systems also offer the possibility of downloading playlists to their iPod unit for even greater portability.

I'm sure I've probably left out some aspect of using hard disk playback systems, but I think I've highlighted the major points. The bottom line is that since switching over to a hard disk system I'm listening to music more often and because of the easier access I'm listening to music that I would normally not have selected. As far as I can tell, hard disk systems are a major advance in the enjoyment of digital based music.
Mdoughty, drops, pops and clicks can be eliminated by turning off all other programs when you rip the CD to your hard disk.
I think that hard disk playback systems should be the future but we're not there yet and we may never be.

As mentioned, software and ease of use are lacking. It's kind of a DIY area now. Also, audiophiles are generally the at the analog end of the spectrum. DIY computer projects are not something an analog guy relishes and are not something that the audio mags often review.

There are format issues also. Audiophiles are generally not happy with 16 bit CD quality. Both 24 bit digital formats (SACD, DVD-A) have copy protection so they're out. The wild card is HDCD which Microsoft bought. Who knows what they're thinking.

On the plus side, I think that a hard disk has the potential to be an excellent transport. We will be able to store 1,000 CD's on a hard drive within a few years. The potential to create playlists is awesome. I'll be looking at this type of system seriously when the drives get more capacity, especially if it becomes a little more mainstream as far as software, interfaces, etc.
I have a question. To create wav file from a CD, do you guys have any idea on which CDROM/CDRW/DVDROM/DVDRW to use, what is the reading speed, and which software to use to get perfect wav file?

There's been alot of favorable comments about EAC (Exact). The link Is:
Given some of the inherent limitations listed above what would you folks recommend as an "upper limit" on what would be resonable to spend on a DAC. i.e. it seems silly to buy a Mark Levinson reference DAC to connect to a $200 soundblaster soundcard.
But, I bet many have tried and experienced the difference an audio component DAC can make over letting a receiver (or the soundcard itself) do the analog conversion.
I was just curious what combinations folks have tried and whether there was a noticable difference.