CD upgrade

I have a Marantz CD 63 II into an MSB Linc DAC and am looking to upgrade. Would I be better off upgrading the DAC or the CD player (recognizing it is basically being used as a transport). For either option does anyone have any specific suggestions. Budget under $1,000.

It sounds like you have a fairly good DAC. I my experience, the quality of the transport can make a significant difference. The best I have heard are of the top loading variety. Also, try experimenting with different digital interconnects. Often, jitter is introduced in their connector welds.
I think you can buy a lot of nice CD players for under 1000. Just to throw some names out: Meridian, Sony, CAL, Theta, NAD and perhaps some DVD/SACD players such as Phillips or Pioneer.
I can't agree with Duddley. In my experiece there is not enough difference between a $2500 transport and a $120 DVD player. Let me explain. I started with a Theta Data Basic. Excellant piece. I recently purchased a Classe CDT-1 and a DAC-1 combo to go with my CP-50 and CA-400. There was no difference between the Theta and the Classe using the exact same equipment and cables from there on to the speakers. Though the price differnce is $800 retail. About two weeks ago, I decided to finally get a DVD player and com[plete the HT setup. Got a cheap JVC DVD player. I conducted the same experiment. JVC vs. Classe. Using the same equip. and cables. I am not saying there was no difference, but not enough to justify the retail price of the JVC to the USED price of the Classe. That money is going toward a better 5 channel.