Anyone have problems with Arcam digital gear

I'm in search of a new player and a dealer said that Arcam products were the ones most sent in for repair. Can anyone justify this statement with real experience. If this is true , what model? and how was it dealt with? Thanks.
several years ago I auditioned an Alpha 9, but didn't much care for the sound. The EAD Ultradisc 2000 cleaned it's clock. Can't speak to any reliability issues, only that single brief experience.
Let me confirm the statement the the people at ASL Group are great. My one dealing w/them left a very positive impression and I would not hesitate to do business w/them again.
Wow -thanks to everyone who took the time to respond! I think i'll now seek out an Arcam CD23.
I have an Arcam cd72t for about a year. Never an issue. I'm planning to sell it though, switching over to tube gear.
I live in Canada. The Arcam distributor for Canada is Emerald Audio in Toronto. I own an 8SE CDP that developed a spontaneous electrical discharge "pop" 6 months beyond the warrantee period.

Emerald Audio honored the warrantee and went out of their way to isolate a problem which was very difficult to recreate and isolate. The problem reoccurred a year later and this time Emerald no only honored the warrantee again, but resoldered every connection and upgraded every conceivable part that may have caused the problem. I have a superior machine to that which I sent in for repair.

I have had no further problems and enjoy this product a lot. I have the highest regard for Arcam and their distributors for backing up their products.