Elect. EMC-1 Mk II vs. Audio Aero Capitole Mk II ?

I'm considering buying one of these CD players based upon previous recommendations online here. Between these two players, can anyone further recommend which sounds better and what the differences are in sound? I will be hooking it up to a Conrad Johnson MF2500A amp and two B&W matrix 802 main speakers. I also have an Audio Research LS-15 pre-amp if I need to use. I'm aware the AA Capitole has a built-in pre-amp. Thanks again
I clearly prefer the Audio Aero Capitole. It is the best sounding CD player that I have heard and with the ability of running direct, you can sell your preamp and acheive better sound.

The next batch of MK II's are on their way. If you decide on one and do not have a dealer in your area, drop me an email and I will place an order for you.

If I thought the EMC-1 was competitve with the Audio Aero, I would be carrying it as well. It is not, so I do not.
Disclaimer: I am an Electrocompaniet dealer.


With all due respect to Jtinn, there are many that would disagree with his statement that the Audio Aero is better than the EMC-1. With that said, the Audio Aero is a wonderful player and one of the top 5 or so digital solutions on the market. I can't imagine anyone not being happy with either the EMC-1 or the Audio Aero. When you get to this level of performance (and price), the differences between products become more than anything else, a simple matter of taste, IMHO (the listener's preferred sonic presentation, build-quality, cosmetics, etc.)

Best Regards...Mike - Father & Son Audio
I prefered the EMC-1 (IMO) the build quality is better. These two players sound different but in my experience neither one was superior to the other; just different. You really need to listen to both and then make your decision. Of both of these one box redbook players players I prefered the Accuphase DP75V.


Is your CJ MF2500A and upgraded model; if so, did you hear it before the upgrade. The reason I am asking is that I am running a CJ MF2500 as well and am considering having it upgraded. I would like to know what your thoughts are considering the sonic improvements?

I am an Electrocompaniet dealer and although I love this CD player I will state that there are a hand full of great CD players with the Capitol being one of them.

Our experience in numerous shootouts that we have done is that there is no one best player to anyone's ear. We have had up to twelve manufactures and Audiophiles in here during listening tests and the opinions have varied widely on CD player preference. As it would with almost any component. The fact is that we all do not have the same taste. I will also state that the Audio Aero and the EMC sound much more similar than say the Mephisto 2 or Accuphase.

But remember other things will contribute to the sound of your component such as a powercord and interconnects. So the question then becomes which is the better value and can I improve one more than the other for the same amount of expenditure. Unless the prices have changed the EMC retails for $5500 the Capitol for $8800.

You can run the Capitol direct which some people highly advocate some rather still use a preamp. If you like it direct the Capitol and the EMC will run about the same in investment. If you want to use a preamp the EMC is then substantially less expensive.

If price is not an object and if you hear them both and find that you could live with either one. Then look at the built quality. Look at the opportunity for upgrading the player. The EMC 1 came out at $4000, then there was a $1000 24/192 upgrade, and then a recent $800
upgrade available on all their players. They could have changed models and had you sell your old player and purchase a new one but choose to make it as inexpensive as possible for the consumer to continually improve to the new generation. Not being a Capitol dealer I have no idea about their upgrade path or costs.

My personal experience is that once you get to the better CD players the differences are very subtle.

Good luck you will love either one.