I clearly prefer the Audio Aero Capitole. It is the best sounding CD player that I have heard and with the ability of running direct, you can sell your preamp and acheive better sound.
The next batch of MK II's are on their way. If you decide on one and do not have a dealer in your area, drop me an email and I will place an order for you.
If I thought the EMC-1 was competitve with the Audio Aero, I would be carrying it as well. It is not, so I do not.
The next batch of MK II's are on their way. If you decide on one and do not have a dealer in your area, drop me an email and I will place an order for you.
If I thought the EMC-1 was competitve with the Audio Aero, I would be carrying it as well. It is not, so I do not.