How to service Cal Audio products?

My Cal Delta is in need of repair, is there anyone who knows how to obtain service on Cal products or how to contact someone who does. Thanks
I took my CD player to a local high end shop and they promptly shipped it to Cal Audio directly (I wasn't told about that until later). My advice: Save some time and contact Cal Audio directly and skip the middle man.
there is information about authorized service in, they bought california audio labs.

if you are interested in sale your alpha dac, please let me know.
Good luck. CAL's customer service left a lot to be desired before all this.
I spoke with my local dealer a couple of weeks ago who has been a CAL dealer since the company started. He told me that he has been unable to get his customers CAL equiptment serviced. He said that CAL's parent company went bankrupt. Buyers of used CAL equiptment beware.
CAL still has several (4) authorized service centers. Two are in the Chicago area. I just had a CAL CL-10 serviced through a local dealer where I purchased it. It took a while, but they got it repaired -- at no cost -- even though the warranty expired several years ago.

Approved Audio Service
583 Bantam Rd.
Bantam, CT 06750

Electronic Engineers
2522 W. Armitage Ave.
Chicago, IL 60647

Just Service Inc
2940 N. Clark St
Chicago, IL 60657

Service for CL2500
Scott Morris Enterprises
1130 Hilfiker Drive
Arcata, CA 95521