CD players with volume control ?????

I'm considering a Wadia 830 used to add to my 2 channel system. My only source is CD. I have a Krell KAV 250a with a NAD c160 pre-amp, and an old Phillips CD player hooked up to B&W N805s. I want to eliminate my pre-amp and upgrade my CD, I'm thinking that the Wadia is the way to do it, any thoughts? Are there any other CD players with volume control that allow you to eliminate the pre-amp?


Very interested in what you have to say about the Quad. Please post after you've auditioned. Thanks -- Sammie
I received my sony 9000 es signature mod ref from Dan
Wright, It was delayed, because I hesitated to put
volume control,Finally I did.When I play cd direct
to my aextreme monos, I think its better.This is without burn in.My preamp is more than 2k.The total
price of my cdp$2400 including mod, but sacd,dvd, and
cd.The sacd is just unbelievable.The red redbood, is
very close to the sacd mode.The only problem, you might
not be able to find use sony.
I have to follow up on this. Had a chance to audition an Opus21 in my own soundroom with my own equipment, and was able to do a direct comparison with a Wadia 301 and an 861se. Level control was set between all units with an Audiocontrol SA-3055 RTA for proper ABing comarisons. Too many people dont realize that you cant make critical evaluations if the volume isnt set indentical between units.

All I can say is that the Opus is not as good as the Wadia 301 let along the 861se I just recnetly purchased. The Opus 21 has alot of similiarities to the Adcom GCD750 cd player. Very clear and forward vocals, great detail, great dynamics. But imaging, low level detail and the ability to paint a 3 dimensional soundstage is still a step behind both Wadia players. I feel alot of this has to do with the transport they employ and the lack of damping on this product. I also think a LARGER,HEAVIER single chassis solution would do wonders for this unit, along with a real transport, not a ROM drive(though this thing does allow lighting quick acess to any track, but what do you expect from a computer ROM?). There is alot of hoopla over this unit, but I think its just that, "hoopla". Still too many other good choices out there for equal or less money with just as good if not better potential.

Thanks for your review. You're #1 for a neg review on the Opus, just curious if the post above which states the Opus is 20-30% better than the Wadia 301 has read your post yet?
I wouldnt call my review "negative" at all. Just be thankful I get around alot and always seem to get my hands on the latest gear. Since I am looking for a small 2 channel audio system for my bedroom, Ive heard alot of good things about this CD Player. But Ive never seen a true(true meaning proper output level setting under 100% identical conditions with identical equipment)comparison of the unit. And when I evaluate equipment now its solely done in my controlled listening room.

As for someone stating that one player is 20-30% better than another, I would like to know what scientific analysis they used to come up with that, or even what true controlled listening test they did and what equipment they used to measure it? Even I didnt state that. Is anyone aware here that if the volume between 2 players is just 1db off it can change perception of a players capability and sound characteristics to the human ear? Because to be honest with you all the players mentioned give great sound no question about it. But what distinguishes one player from another are the small nuances. But with a double blind listening test done, it was unanimous that both Wadia players were better at painting a picture over the Opus. Even the owner of the Opus who is a friend of mine agreed openly on this.