To preamp or not to preamp?...that is the question


I'm looking to change my CD setup. I'm considering getting a CD player with a digital volume so I can connect it directly to my amp. What are the pros and cons of bypassing the preamp? What CD players have the volume control capability (I know Wadia does)? My preamp is Innersound ( a very transparent preamp), Innersound ESL amp, Innersound Isis speakers.
Thanx for your input.
Zaikesman, I agree. I have made this test with both phono and CD, with my highly modified MFA Magus preamp. There is no doubt that using, in my case, the tape outputs, which bypassed the attenuators and line stage main output, was much more detailed and better, than using the main outs. The attenuators are largely responsible for this, but the line stage plays a part in it too. This is why I am going to get a Bent Audio transformer passive, and put it after my preamp, using the tape outs instead of the main outs. I had considered getting a resistive-element passive pre, but the impedance problems are too much. The transformer passive pre, has a much better impedance relationship, and is more transparent than any resistive attenuators. Even Caddocks.
How much $$$ do you want to spend?

It all boils down to money.

If money was not an issue, I would not go with any digital device that regulares volume. I would make this recommendation because I have never heard a DAC or CD player that regulated volume sound better than a top of the line preamp matched with it.

Why is this the case? Whatever technology a company is using in a CD player or DAC to regulate volume is not as good as the technology that is in the best preamps to regulate volume. And most of the time the technology in CD players and DACs is a form of passive volume control.

Personally, I do not think passive volume controls are the way to go in the long haul. Maybe at your budget (I do not know your budget though), passive may be the way to go. However, I have not been impressed with any of the passive preamps I have ever used or ever heard (having used about 5 or so through the years in my system). Music tends to sound veiled and not dynamic played through passives when compared to top of the line active preamps. There is a good reason why there are not too many passive preamps made today.

Anyway, define your budget, and I can give you better advise. Because it all boils down to money.

I have a Theta Miles -I have tried it both ways with and without preamp -and having a quality preamp in the chain will reward you with more of everything detail,soundstage,etc.Hope this helps.