What's best CD player one piece price no object

I am awaiting the new Spectral one piece CD player, estimated to cost $9,500 and to come out early next year. What other players should I consider, given the rest of my system (Spectral amp and preamp, Watt/Puppy 7s, MIT interconnects)? Thanks for the input.
Love my Accuphase DP-85. Used to have an SCD-1 thriough a Dodson 217, and the DP-85 is far better than that combo, in both Redbook and SACD mode. Resolution, imaging, warmth, all terrific.

David Shapiro
TBG-Are you using a pre-amp with your Lindemann? It is my understanding that the Lindemann has variable analog outputs.
The comments thus far are very useful. I too would argue that there can be no 'best' cd player, it is purely a matter of your tastes and how it fits in your system. If you are spending a large amount of money I would make sure you can audition in your system to see what suits you best. Unfortunately this can be very hard in some areas. With all due respect to spectral, who made the first great cd player, there is always something else off on the horizon. Find the one that satisfies you and stick with it
Glreno, Vsfang is right; the Lindemann is fixed output. I play vinyl also so I would want to have a selector switch at least.