Best way s to clean CD's? Any updates?


Questions like this have been raised in the past...but things change or new products come out. So:

What products or ways are you using to clean and care for CD's?
News flash - On a recent visit to the new & used CD shop in my town the proprietor was using a grinder/polisher specially designed to make beat-up CD's look new. From a distance, it resembles one of those water centrifuges they have at some laundromats. I had a look inside the unit. Around the central platter it was lined with a build-up of pasty-looking, white, CD dust. I'd never seen one before so I asked about it. The guy was unabashedly proud of it. He keeps it right out in plain view. What a shocker!
I second dopogue's comment on Walker's Vivid. Everything else I've tried (and I have tried them all) is a distant second. Try this stuff. I think you be will amazed.