SONY SCD-1 vs the New Generation of Competition

I have an Arcam FMJ CD23T, and must admit I am very disappointed in its sterile playback and lack of tone/bass. I primarily play Redbook CDs, and have read a lot of dated material about the full sound of the Sony SCD-1 in that mode, and am curious to know (1) if the newer generation offerings, IE MF Nuvista or Trivista, as well as any other manufacturer’s models, will deliver the full range (albeit artificial) sound of my Denon 1650AR, but in greater quality (2) also, are the new SCD-1s which are currently for sale improved at all from the original model. Thanks in advance for your opinions.
Rbstehno, I received my sony9000es level III mod
tube stage, analog Bybee filters, Amp Direct Mod
with DACT-2 Attenuator.I dont use preamp anymore,
The sound is so musical,sound stage is huge,
instruments are on the place, vocal beautiful.
the bass is tight.Lastly is very natural.The
thing I like is the holographic sound.IMS I like
it, compare when I use my art audio, and Adcom
GFP 750.Dan decided to use the tungsol cryod tube.
I heard the consonance 5k,sacd also, that is good.
I can compare the performance to it.It really
exceeded my expectation.The andra are very happy.
the wife and daughter ARE HAPPY ALSO.
I have a Sony SCD-1. I bought it several months ago. I can't say how it compares to earlier units, but I'm not aware of people clainig major differences.

I think it is a WONDERFUL redbook CD player. I can't say how it compares to the most expensive redbook players, but I have no complaints.
Great info. I probably wouldn't have considered the 9000es, so the knowledge that it can be modified and sound that good is very helpful.
Thanks very much for your input. Its great to hear from someone currently using a recent production model. What unit did you have before the SCD-1, and what do you like most about the SCD-1's sound?
Thanks to all, and please do keep it coming...
If you primary concern is redbook playback, you should look at the quality American made CDPs that focus on that format like the Wadia,Ayre,ML and ARC. They all outperform the Sonys on Redbook.

Thank you very much for your suggestions. Can you name the top two models you think would satisfy my desire for more fullness and body?
