Electrocompaniet EMC-1: let's talk?

"The history of the player is:
24/96 (original)
24/192 (upgraded DAC)
24/192 UP (upgraded DAC plus various internal component upgrades).

The "SE" and "MKII" designations refer to the 24/192 UP and 24/192 players. Neither of these are actually official names given by Electrocompaniet. Someone (dealer or customer) referred to the EMC-1 players as "SE" and "MKII" some months back and the names just kinda' stuck."
The above from the horse's mouth, an authorized dealer. After having gone through hell selling my Dodson 217 MK II D, competing w/guys mistakenly advertising their units w/out mentioning they were upgraded and not the latest model, I'm a bit sensitive to mis-categorizations, no matter how innocent. (Anyone playing these games should be pilloried in front of an array of Bose speakers).
Hi "9": I believe quality itself is not the issue, but rather the age of the unit, and also disclosure integrity.
Jayme: I agree; however, I get annoyed by ads for, say, an ARC LS25MKII that say this is an "original MKII" and not "an inferior" upgraded version that really isn't a MKII. That's not only misleading, it's a plain lie and shows the person selling the unit either doesn't know better or also lacks integrity. I always disclose everything and provide a serial number so anyone interested in something I'm selling can call the manufacturer.
It seems to me that an "upgraded" rather than factory MKII or whatever, would in some ways be preferable, having been back to the factory where in all probability, any problems would have taken care of.
EC received my wire payment for the EMC-1 MKII "UP" mod parts kit and instructions and says they sent the kit today. Yippee!