Mac Mini Power Supply

I recently built a linear power supply for my Mac Mini. The difference in sound quality was one of the single largest performance upgrades I've made to my system in years.

I was wondering if anyone else has had any experience with their mac mini PSU upgrades and what your experiences are. It's one of those upgrades I wish I had made months ago.

I've always been a big believer in the source being the most important component in the system. Followed by the power supply being one of the most important parts within the component. At least in this case, it appears that was correct.
I borrowed the boulder supply from a friend of mine, one of the reasons I wanted to build one myself. My supply had a much larger impact on the sound, but both are very nice pieces of gear. I was offering to build my supply to a few people for $400.

As I understand it, the ECM uses Balanced power transformers. That means rather than having 120v on the hot conductor and 0 volts to ground on the negative, you have +60 and -60, which are out of phase. In theory that cancels out common mode noise in the same way balanced analog circuitry works.

While I can't say for certain, almost ALL power conditioners that boast a "more analog" sound are using suppression capacitors and ferrite cores. Ferrite tends to work fairly well on digital gear for rolling off what people consider to be digititis. Ultimately it's a cheap trick, but has poor tradeoffs. I'm yet to find a power conditioner that can hold it's own against a Topaz Isolation Transformer with 146dB common mode noise rejection.

People may say a better mac mini power supply makes the sound more analog-sounding. I personally just think that the power supply, and more accurately the non-linearity and ripple caused by crappy power supplies is what causes a piece of gear to sound digital.

Analog is just digital that's been pressed to LP.
Could you tell me how I can go about upgrading the power supply for my Mini? I am not skilled on computers at all.
Shoot me an email and I'll gladly give you some places to start. If you aren't tech savvy or haven't worked a soldering iron this project isn't for you. However, I am more than happy to build them.
07-20-10: Glory
I have the ECM


What are the components of your digital music server setup? Mac mini? What DAC, Hard drives, cables, etc.? I'm just curious because I don't think many people would be familiar with the ECM unless they were Ultra-Fi customers or friends.

I live near the builder/designer and I have a couple of friends with full Mac Mini and Ultra-Fi solutions. The sound is outstanding IMHO.
Weiss Minerva,VD Ultra Clear wire, Atma-Sphere S30/Dude pre.

I did again A/B the ECM and with it the music has less of a digital sound. More body and fullness for sure. With out it the sound has a thinner presentation.