CEC questions?????

Where do you buy CEC products in the US??

Also, any recommendations for a DAC to match my TL2X transport?

Get a used Audio Logic dac. That should do wonders with the CEC. I have an AL 2400 and just ordered a used TL-1. Can't wait to hear the results. There are several AL on audiogon or check Galen Carol Audio. He is selling a AL 34 for $1600.
FWIW, here's what I've been told by a dealer in response to my inquiry:
"We have kept CEC at a very low profile, since the models you mentioned (TL1X and TL2X) do not reliably play CDR,CRW, or CDs over 70 minutes long. For customers who are willing to accept that limitation, we will order CEC on a case-by-case basis. CEC has discontinued the TL1X."
I almost ordered it but had to change direction because 60% of my CDs are over 70 minutes long. Did anyone experience any similar problems?
Shld try DX71 with superlink connected with TL2X.
Very good and save the money to buy the digital inter-con.