Comments Meridian 507 vs. Arcam 23t CD players

My audio budget is limited and so I am also looking at a used Meridian 508.24. Any recommendations on these units? The CD player will be connected to a Bow Wazoo amplifier and Sonus Faber Grand Piano speakers. Thanks..
I have Meridian 508.24 and its a wonderful cdp. I haven't heard the Arcam fmj23 but I would expect from the comments on Audiogon the Meridian would better it. I bought the Meridian used for $1800. I have seen the Arcam going for around $1200 used. In this hobby you pretty much get what you pay for.
I just a/b'd the two last night. The Meridian was much warmer with greater depth, more forward, and didn't have the punch you in the chest bass that I find annoying. The Arcam may have had a little more detail, but was very flat in space, had that hard bass I mentioned above, and lacked the presents of the Meridian. The Arcam was ...thin. I think I am going with the Meridian.