Accuphase 85 or 75v...or EMC-1?

I am soon to get a Pass Labs X-1 pre, and will run it single-ended, for the time being, to a Classé DR-8 amp. I need help in deciding on cdp. I know the Pass prefers balanced, but how will it interface (in the meantime) with the above? I guess I'm asking several questions, here. Are either companies' cdp's more compatible w/balanced or single-ended? Which of the Accuphase sounds better on redbook; how does the Accuphase "champ" come out against the EMC? (No, I don't care much about SACD, and don't see it being much of a force for 4 years or so; interestingly, they're much more available (at very attractive prices, too), for the time being, than the 75v...)
Of the two players you mention the DP 75V is the better player; I have not heard the DP 85. Depending on your musical tastes; mine being classical, SACD is the way to go. The depth and breath of the soundstage especially when listening to symphonies is truly astounding. I know many people disagree but I believe SACD is here to stay.


I have compared the DP75V and DP85 on the redbook side by side couple months ago and heard the new 25 hours DP85 slightly better than DP75V.

SACD : Another planet !!
Hi Jayme!
I don't want this thread to digress into an SACD vs Redbook debate. But since it has started, i will add my 2 cents. I have owned 2 SACD players an EMC and a DP75v. No question on DSD recordings, SACD sounds better. However, the titles on SACD absolutely suck and they have been so slow to roll out that many have jumped ship a long time ago. Some will continue to wait forever and maybe it will survive, others like me gave up and got back all of the money invested. The way I look at it, if it ever gets up to speed, I can always come back, but for now it's very dead to me.

On the topic at hand, the 75v is the best redbook player of the 3 mentioned. Arguably, the 85 sounds slightly worse in redbook but has the added benefit of sacd. If sacd doesn't interest you, I doubt anyone will claim the 85 is many thousands better sounding on redbook than the 75v, if at all. Again, I feel the 75v bested it in redbook at half the price. I have not heard the new UP EMC but, unless they made the chassis 4 inches less wide, got it to accept CDR's more easily if at all and improved on the world worst remote control, I would not be interested.

Finally, all Accupahse products are wired differently on the balanced outputs than US players. Even the Accuphase products destined for the US have the neutral and hot plugs reversed as that is how they are supposed to be wired in Japan. That said, most people here either run single ended, like me, or get custom cables made that invert the polarity in some way. Sounds pretty fine in single ended to me.

My local friend still has his DP75V,so if you are in LA area,please email me at !

We can compare the DP85 with his DP75V side by side and let's your ears be the judge.

I know there are several owners of the DP85 who previously had the DP75V in Audiogon. How do you guys compare ?