Virtually lost, a minimalist cries out for "help."

I'd like to go cdp direct to amp, but am stymied. Audio Aero Capitole seems to have chip problems (and several have commented upon build quality, as well). Accuphase has digital attenutation which, reputedly, lessens bits to effect volume change--sound degradation may be a consequence?
It seems I've hit a deadend.
When I consider passive devices, i.e. Silver Rock or Bent Audio, the Accuphase digital attenuation is then an unnecessary superfluity. The other cdp I'd consider (w/no volume adjustment), the EMC 1, favors balanced ics, I've read, and I'm not willing to go there.
Am I missing some other great cdps out there w/analog volume control, single-ended friendly, and high build quality? (I'm getting a big headache from butting my head against this virtual wall...)
The problems with the audio aero capitole MkII players have been remedied it was a software update, the players work fine- and all bugs have been worked out now. It was the first few batches that had the problems- I still have a P2 chip in mine and find no problems with it, the current standard is the P4 chip. I would not even think twice about trying this CD player, get it in your system and listen, I am SURE you will not have an ounce of trouble. To many(myself included) this player is the benchmark from which others are judged- yes it is that good! The only other player I would consider in this price range would be the Audio Mecca Mephisto II with a passive pre. Happy Holidays ~Tim
With respect to the Accuphase units (I have personally owned the DP-65, DP-75 and now DP-75V), I have never heard of any complaints concerning loss of bit resolution or negative sonic consequences of their digital volume control. It is my understanding that Accuphase also uses the same gain circuitry in their digital preampliers (the DC-300 and now the DC-330). In fact I preferred the sound of my DP-75V running directly to my power amplifier (Rowland Model 10) as opposed to the Rowland Synergy II (with optional battery power supply!). I now own The Accuphase A-50V power amplifier and love this combination. The Accuphase cd players are not balanced designs and in my system the DP-75V sounds better using the single ended outputs.
I must agree with Linkster, as a previous owner of a DC-300 I also experienced none of this bit dropping others have complained about. The audio aero and accuphase sound night and day different how ever and you should listen to both. My only concern with the 75v right now is the fact that it isn't being made any more and its price is going to start to fall if it hasn't already.

BTW Linkster I hope your still enjoying those diamonds! Happy Holidays Linc :)
I second whatjd's comments concerning going direct. The sonics of the few cd players (Audio Aero, Wadia, Old Philips CD-80) I tried that would go dirct sounded better going thru my CJ premier 16ls II.
