Lindemann D680, how does it sound?

I'm thinking about buying one, and I'd like to hear from those of you who have heard the player. What did you think, and to what did (or would) you compare it? How does it compare to other players such as a modded or unmodded SCD-1/XA-777ES or other high end CD only players such as the CD12? In terms of digital, I listen to about 80% redbook and 20% SACD. I've been very interested in the Linn Unidisk, but now the price has risen from around $4000 to $8000-9000. It probably also won't be out until late second quarter 2003, and I couldn't care less about surround sound/video capabilities. Thanks for your input!
Tekunda, could you elaborate on what these are all about. A search has turned up nothing. Any links you could provide would be appreciated as well.
I can only stress that the unit is very sensitive to vibration isolation and power cords and takes an inordinate amount of time to break-in. It never sounds bad but is somewhat soft sounding for an extended period during break-in. I have had good luck with a Nimbus air isolation base.
Tekunda, you should also mention that many isolation devices have no benefit over the Lindemann feet. This is my experience with the RollerBlocks and Aurio and tungsten carbide balls on Mana stands.
Tekunda, I was referring to the tightropes in my earlier post. Can you provide more information?
i 've had the lindemann d680 for about 3 weeks now ,and i simply love it! the unit sits on a finite-elemante pagode master ref. rack ,and underneeth i use ssc pucks with great results. the analog power brick also rests on 2 of the ssc pucks.
power cords are the hms to the power brick ,and elrod/ anaconda vx to the main unit .i'm still experimenting which p/cord works better.the sound on red book is acuurate ,open ,detailed , but somehow a ted slow in pace.
on hdcd ,it's even more open and revealing, and accurate.
the sacd playback is just another world ! it's just incredible. i compared this unit at the ces show to the accuphase, audioaero, trivista, and the dcs gear. for $34 gs ,it better sound better ,and it did.the other names ,were not even me ,the lindemann offers a tremendous value.

one word about christian(tekunda)-- in my opinion he has recieved a real bad rap when he appeard on the scene.i met him at the last ces , and found him to be very pleasent and knowlegdable , and a pleasure to do business with. just my humble opinion.

halcro dm68 monoblocks
halcro dm8 preamp
2 finite -elemante pagode(m.r)
siltech sig6 i/cs and emperor speaker cables
anaconda vx ,elrod sig2, taipan power cords. monster cable7000, b-p-t2 all custom , plcs.