CD Player modifications- Improved Sound?

Has anyone out there had a Rotel RCD 1070 cd player modified? What were the results? I also have a Marantz DV8300, should a modification to this unit be considered? I'm really looking to "improve" my 2 channel listening.

A talented modifier could probably improve any player, but certain players can benefit more due to the quality of their DACs, etc. FOr example, Stan Warren told me I'd be better off having a cheap Pioneer w/Burr Brown DACs modified than my Pioneer Elite DV-05, because it's DACs are not as good. You should probably check into those issues before you spend the money on modifications.
Had my RCD 1070 mod recently with Superclock II and diodes replaced with High Speed Soft Recovery Diodes. I have not look back since. It literally transformed the player to the next level and more, sounding coherent, sweet/musical. Black Gate caps are on order as well, can't wait to have them install. Cost approx US$500.
I am not sure if Modwright offer the mod you need,
If you are asking me,will it improve the sound? In
my experience with my sony 9000es, its NIGHT
AND DAY.I dont work for for Dan, just sharing.