Ready to Throw my Wadia 6i out the window. HELP

I have a Modded 6i from Wadia. I love the CD player when it doesn't skip. The player is level, clean, and has been back to Wadia several times. I need a new Player. What else is out there with Volume, Balanced outs, built in DAC, and can by-pass a Pre-amp. Like to stay under 5K. Thanks
No, i never heard that one but i bet i can guess the premise behind the skit : ) Sean
I seem to recall from one of my conversations with Wadia that the transport in the 6 is obsolete and unreplaceable, so you may have an expensive boat anchor on your hands. But I also encourage you to call GNSC; if Steve can't help no one can. Don't extrapolate your troubles with the 6 to other Wadias; they are of exceptional quality, both build and sound, and use very high quality transports now. I sold my Wadia to buy an AA (24/192) because of all the hype, found that it wasn't all that it is cracked up to be, and actually went back to Wadia, feeling that it is more accurate and less colored overall (not to mention much higher build quality). The AA is very "seductive", but often left me feeling as if it was smoothing things over. I know others will disagree, and claim that it is "analog-sounding", but I felt that it was more than just that. It all depends on your priorities, and what sort of colorations you can live with and what ones you can't.
You can get a used Mark Levinson 390S (probably a little over $5,000) which is one of the best players available, or for a lot less and almost as good, the Resolution Audio Opus 21 - both have an excellent analog volume control.