transport w best detail retrieval and 'weight'

OK- here we go- I have the new Audio Note 3.1 Balanced (transformer-coupled output) Dac (it's great!), and am searching for a transport. I had an older Teac Esoteric P1, and liked the 'weighty' sound (the VRDS clamping system I am a big fan of). I sold it and picked up the Audio Note CDT-II due to the reviews and b/c I have the Audio Note Dac- what a mistake! Unit was very lightweight, and so was the impact. Yes- resolution was OK, and low noise floor was great, but it just didn't have the 'weight' to the sound that the Teac-based units (includes Wadia) have. I am considering the Wadia 270 and the Spectral SDR 3000 transports (both use versions of the Esoteric VRDS clamping system). Or should I give it all up and go back to one-box player? (I owned an Audio Aero Capitole but wanted more resolution so went separates). Ultimate detail retrieval and good 'weight' to the sound is what I am looking for from a transport- I have the musicality angle covered with the Dac. Any ideas?
Lgregoir- I agree that the Eclipse is very good- in fact I used to own it for over a year, and it was my favorite of the non-Teac based transports- good call!! I guess I am hesitant to go down that road again, only because of the fact that their are dacs and additional circuitry in the Eclipse that I would rather not 'pay for' if I would only be using it as a transport. But it does merit consideration, as you are correct- the detail retrieval WAS excellent. In fact- I sold it to go the the Audio Aero Captitole, die to the better tonality I found woth the Cap, especially in the mids. Never did try the Eclipse as a transport only though- hmmm......

The decision is made however- as of a few hours ago, I did the deal on a demo Spectral SDR 3000 transport- will post findings on the Spectral/Audio Note Dac combo following its arrival.
I have not heard this one, but people swear by it......Vecteur D2 transport. New is about $1000 and I have yet to read anything negative about it! But you never know until you try it.

I was going to go for it but decided upon a CEC TL2X instead. I like it, but still have a curiosity for the Vecteur.
This is not going to be a popular suggestion with some people, but consider picking up a used Sony SCD-1. Its transport section was a revolutionary design and its strongest point, and you get SACD as a "bonus". It's slow in operation, but can stand up sonically to just about any transport in any reasonable price range--and if it's a combination of weight and clarity you want, you should hear it. The weak point of the unit was its CD DAC, and you won't be using that. (No, I don't have one for sale, but I liked the transport section so much, I upgraded to a Classe Omega, which uses the SCD-1 transport.)
Platsolos- the Vecteur D2 is good, but the L4 is better- they are extremely impressive considering the price. In fact, I could pick up an L4 for a good deal right now, but am searching for the higher end, and therefore going to try the Spectral.

Mgottlieb- yes, good suggestion. IN FACT- I will be testing the new Spectral against some stiff competition- a Sony SCD-1 as transport only; and a Sim Audio Eclipse also used as transport only (a buddy of mine has both units, which is why we will be able to do the 3-way transport shootout)- all going into the Audio Note 3.1 Balanced Dac- will post results when testing complete...