What is the best CDP to be used as a Transport?

I am asking the Q because at some point on the upgrade merry-go-round I will be replaceing my aging Phillips CD-80 that I use in conjunction with a Smart DAC from Bolder.
Really like the Philly ,but I know there are better out there new or used.
Abex, a tech guy who I trust told me recently after he had serviced my CD80 that in fact this unit is the same as a Revox pro unit and that is why it is built like a tank.My experience with the CD80 and the EAD really leaves me with little desire to upgrade to SACD. I recently heard a dcs Elgar and while it is very nice it didn't exactly kill my EAD/80 combo. In fact IMHO the difference was small. The Elgar was a little more dynamic and had a little more depth but the 80/EAD was equal in Bass and the extension in the top end went slightly to the older combo.
Well that kinda puts me at ease as far having a respectable source.I would imagine it would only have to come down to the DAC,synergy and personal taste after that.

I am currently using a Modified ART DAC that is in need for a better PS to have the Bass elevated a bit.

I will look into the EAD to see what it can do also.

Thanks for the responses.
I'd keep the CD80 until it stops working. I have a Marantz CD67 and in stock form it's a lousy transport. You have to be prepared to lift the lid and modify it in order to lower the jitter and make it a good transport ... per the recommendation from Jlambrick.
FYI my 15 yr old Mission PCM7000 makes a better transport than my Marantz CD67SE.

They just don't make 'em like they used to! :-)