Shanling, Jolida, Cary, Tube, SS can anyone compar

Can anyone compare these CD players? Am looking to buy a new or used for $1500 or less. I know that the Jolida or the Shanling can be bought new in this range but have heard of reliabilty problems with Jolida. Maybe the new one is OK. I would be willing to go with tube if it sounds right but Cary's pricey ones are SS. People do rave about their sound and this is what I'm after. I still prefer the sound of vinyl but CD's are sounding better as I upgrade my system. Any incite would be appreciated. Thanks,

Xindak is not a new company in China, but they are new in the USA (they have been doing OEM work for Sony and other electronics companies for years). There are no reviews as yet, but according to the US distributor, Stereophile is supposed to have one out in the next month or so.

As far as explaining SACD, that would take FAR more space than I have here. It is simply an attempt by Sony and Philips to bring digital playback that much closer to analog reproduction. With some recordings, I personally feel that they have acomplished their goal. Do a search here and at AudioAsylum, should be able to find a decent explanation of SACD.

For the most basic info on SACD, go here:

The biggest drawback to SACD at this point is not the technology, nor the sound quality (it is superb on some recordings), but simply the fact that there just aren't a lot of recordings available (yet).

Best Regards...Mike - Father & Son Audio
I checked on the Granite 657 but it's only 20 bit. I have a well made old Denon 20 bit now. Shouldn't I be moving up to at least 24/96 or better? What happens when SACD or HDCD's are played on 20 bit or 24/96 system? Thanks again
Take the Jolida at $550, if it is mint. What tubes does it have? You might get lucky there. The Jolida was designed and produced solely for it's sound, not hype that looks good on paper. Mark Allen of Jolida told me he decided to not use the "me too" Burr Brown DAC and went for more linear Phillips chips. There are no op amps, unlike with virtually every other CDP. The circuit is very simple and fee of noticeable distortion. So many ss CDPs have that edgy sound that drives people away. Jolida has a beautifully natural playback that is so soothing. It has that spaciousness that comes with tubes and the liquid mids, smooth treble.
Oh yes, SACD. I don't like SACD. A lot of music lovers don't like SACD. When listening tests were performed on same matter music using SACD and DVDA, the DVDA clearly took the "more real" honors. I know cutting edge audiophiles that agree.
Thanks again. I would assume stock tubes as it is almost new but will ask. Sounds like a good buy to me. Someone else is selling new units with some upgrades but I suspect it sounds better than what I have as made.