Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.
I would ask all involved to make an effort to highlight their own gear's strength's and not point out any other DAC's weaknesses. Specific descriptions of what tech is used and why you think its best are fine. Let's avoid mud slinging though…

All of the gear listed is SO good that the decision is not if they are good enough, but which sounds best with your particular system.

I am currently burning in the DSD-S with my DVD player via SPDIF and my ODSE via USB from my computer.

I will try, next week, to compare PC's, USB cables and software with the DSD-S as Alex requested. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to get too detailed. But I'm happy to give general feelings and opinions.

Burn in for both will be completed on 9/3 and I will listen that day to compare and highlight both.

BigKidz - If you would like to get me your Uber DHT DAC around that time, I can compare the three. PM me and we can arrange delivery.

I will also touch base with John, my local Aesthetix dealer, to see if the Romulus Signature has arrived and is being burnt in since it sounds like delivery has begun.

If anyone knows of a dealer (or even the distributor) for Lampy who wants to get the Big7 to me for evaluation, I'd be happy to listen. I will not be buying any other DAC's for the sole purpose of audition now that I have invested the money officially into the ODSE. The ODSE would need to be bested for me to sell it and move those funds to another DAC.

FInally, the new Allnic is shipping and is supposedly excellent as well. I will pursue an audition of that as well, if possible.

There are no other DAC's that pique my interest at this time. That's not to say that the Vitus and many others are not equally good. But I'd like to listen to something besides my same playlist! LOL!!!

that s all for now.
Here is my sincere impression... If you decided to go with either of these top tier DAC's, you would walk away with one of the best out there and enjoy your purchase for years to come. These guys BOTH seriously know what they are doing!!! As a buyer, and a very long time enthusiast, I learned something totally new during my current system built. I used to shy away for these small, "One man show" companies and gravitate towards the big guys. These "One man show" guys usually have 4-7 other people working for them and produce top level gear for fair prices that offer way more performance for the dollar then lost of the big name labels can. It's a simply a matter of overhead and production. For those of you who are on the fence, try a Merrill Audio, Empirical, APL, Lampizator, or the many other speaker and electronic manufacturers out there that can't afford an advertising/marketing camping. You jus tight be happy you did.

That is probably the most important point made in this thread. I have always gravitated towards boutique, artisanal manufacturers. A lot the best, most cutting edge gear can be found there. There are downsides, but if you are a true blue phile in search of the ultimate SQ, its the place to be....

I couldn’t agree more with both Matt and then Agear’s follow-up!

Some of my best finds, with nary a downside, have been off the usual radar screens. My former Supratek Chenin (which my son is using) and present Aria Audio WV5-XL pre-amps, Galibier Quattro Turntable, and Wavelength Crimson DAC are some examples….
Contact me and I will build you a DHT DAC that will blow all these away.

When I started building a DAC with DHT output based on Esoteric P-03/D-03 combo was 10 years ago, but not many could afford it. :-)

In my experience, to build a "proper" DHT output stage of a DAC, it has to be separated on two enclosures, one of which is the bulky power supply. Want one? :-)

But what is the purpose of a DAC with DHT output stage connected to an amplifier with DHT output stage? :-)

Alex Peychev
Steve N, I like texas instruments-Burr-Brown dac chips myself, listened to many others, always owned The burr-Browns, maybe not to the level you guys are talking about with dac chips, anyway, an oldie but goodie is the 1796 BB, incredible life like treble to say the least, very real sounding, not steril, analitical, cold, good to my ears, I preferred the 1796 over the 1704 that the masses like, cheers