Rega Planet or Cairn Fog

I recently purchased a Creek CD43 player, but returned because it was having problems reading many of my disks (it did sound nice when it worked).

My dealer has given me the choice of replacing it with either a Rega Planet or a Cairn Fog (or waiting for the new Creek CD50, but I keep waiting and waiting plus I'm skeptical of buying an untested product).

Other equipment: Creek 5350, VA Bach, Wastach LC-530 speaker cables, Wasatch 104-U interconnect
I van tell your from experience the Rega skips. I had a Jupiter and a heavy bass not would reset the laser to track one. Not a fluke Lauerman replaced it and it did it again. Sam Tellig in Stereophile also makes mention of this. It is airborne vibration all the dampening I tried failed. Can't help you with the Cairn
I have the Fog (with upsampling) and it is a great sounding cd player, use the balanced outputs. It replaced an Audio Research CD2 in my system. You will not be disappointed.