Rega Planet or Cairn Fog

I recently purchased a Creek CD43 player, but returned because it was having problems reading many of my disks (it did sound nice when it worked).

My dealer has given me the choice of replacing it with either a Rega Planet or a Cairn Fog (or waiting for the new Creek CD50, but I keep waiting and waiting plus I'm skeptical of buying an untested product).

Other equipment: Creek 5350, VA Bach, Wastach LC-530 speaker cables, Wasatch 104-U interconnect
I have the Planet in one of my systems, works great. It has never skipped, even with 15 year old cd's.
If the Cairn is anything like the Planet, then shame on them. the Planet is way old technology. We compared it to a whole slew of new players and it just sounded dull in comparison to all, even a new Pioneer 47. Some four years back, yeah, it was a winner.
What genius named a cd player fog? how about the "veiled" or the mote.Oh and by the way that cairn terrier sounds great.I tjink we all need to take everything less seriously folks.
Get the planet. Mine has never skipped even when people are dancing right next to it. It also sounds incredible. It's not the most analytical player, but it manages to convey emotion better than much more expensive players.

I recently had a Cairn Fog in my system for an extended demo. Great sounding player. Very detailed but never pushy about it. I wouldn't call it lush but it did have an ease about. I was very tempted to buy it, howver there is a reason for the "Fog" name. It refers to the logic used by Cairn in the way the thing works. All of the buttons perform double functions and lack a tactile feel. The remote is just as poorly executed, too many small buttons all performing dual functions. How a manufacturer could take something as simple as basic CD operation and make it difficult for the end user is just amazing. On top of that the display can't be read from just a few feet away. In my book the sound quality just didn't make up for the poor ergonomics. Just too many choices in the marketplace to put up with a badly executed user interface.