Downloading music from Internet --Pro's/Con's?

I am contemplating joining Real "Rhapsody" which is a music download/burn site that promises CD quality downloads. If I download music and then burn using a Sony 52X drive, will the quality of the CD be equal to that of a store bought CD?
Thanks for the info. Episteme, I'm gonna check the quality of these. Are these the same type of files being used by all the pay for music download sites?


In response to your question: probably not. There is no standard for the pay download sites. I know Mac has that mp3 download service that you pay for, and I also know that Phish has started releasing all of their shows for download via both FLAC and MP3. These are both pay services. You'll need to check each site for the details. Personally I stick to the free stuff, as I can find "decent" copies (or copies that will just allow me to listen that one time) for free elsewhere of the music that most interests me.
I would suggest that downloading from the internet, along with the monumental greed of the music industry has led to a miserable state of affairs for the buyer of anything other than "kid music". Where are the CD and record stores we loved to visit? Gone with the wind!!! Only the full-price outlets like Tower Records are left! The kind of store where you could get personal service from knowledgable staff, lots of product (including special deals on new-releases), and plenty of classical, jazz etc. is a thing of the past. Only mail and on-line retailers are left, and, of course, the subject of this thread... low-fi downloading. Aaargh, Yuck, and a pox on their heads!!!