CD Players with Analogue Sound

A lot of us have traversed all parts of the planet in that never-ending quest to find..... the CD player with that lush, analogue sound.
With careful patience, plus trial and error; the right interconnect cable selection (for that particular player), can make most decent CD players sound pretty close to analogue.

All three CD players I mentioned really are analogue sounding. Analogue as in a budget Music Hall turntable; not a $10K vinyl setup.
Sugarbrie, I know I am sounding argumentatively, but I've heard the Planet on my system, the same day as Pioneer Elite, Music fidelity, and a Jolida 100. I think a record player would have to have a really gunky needle to sound anything like a Regal Planet. Even the Pioneer beat it in spades in listen ability. The Jolida, with it's tube outstage, sounds the most analogue of that group.
I won't disagree with anyone. I personally don't care for the Rega Planet. But to many, it is a low cost analogue sounding player. If there was only one right answer, everyone would have the same system at each price point.

I'd rather give people options and let them make up their own mind.
I have the Mk I version and it is analog-like smooth, rich instrumental textures, and surprisingly good and tuneful bass. Highly recommend!!
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