CD Players with Analogue Sound

A lot of us have traversed all parts of the planet in that never-ending quest to find..... the CD player with that lush, analogue sound.
Despite all the great suggestions, there's always got to be one that has to regurgitate what they read in Stereophile a few years ago. Have you ever actually listened to this unit? The original poster asked about CD players that sounded like analog, not a piece of junk that sounds like.....a piece of junk.
Why would you want a CDP to sound like a turntable? My turntable sounds like a turntable. LOL

Just joking. :-)

Anyway, for price per performance below the Wadia 861 and the Capitole, I would go with the Ayre CX-7.

You can find my review of this player at this link:

For $3k retail, the player is a great value. If you can find it used (good luck!), it is probably a steal.

IMHO I really do not think digital will ever sound like vinyl. It may get close, but vinyl will stall have it's sonic signature and digital will still have it's sonic signature. Basically both have their plusses and minuses. I have both to cover all bases.

Viridian, there were four of us at that particular cd player audition. No one picked the Planet first, although the Pioneer edged it out only a bit. I use to really like the Planet. Compared to what the Sony clones had to offer back in those days, the Planet was a gem. It is just showing it's age now going against the much more revealing DACs of the new players. Sugerbrie is right, though, to include it as an option for low budgets.