Benchmark Media DAC1 -anyone have one?

the pro reviews of the Benchmark Media DAC1 are uniformly positive in the extreme. These are from the most dispassionate of all ears, someone who shows up Monday mornings to "do music" It seems very well engineered, if anyone knows of someone who has auditioned one, please chime in. thanks

I had the opportunity to hear my friend's unit in my system for about three hours yesterday. I'm sold on this product.

Now, all I need to know is where can I buy one. My friend neglected to tell me where he got his, but a google search turned up only two dealers — neither of which were discounting it.
I purchased one because my two time Grammy winning brother raved about it. Exceptional transparency, great pacing and tone. Comes pretty close to my reference $7500.00 Bremen No.1 DAC which is the best I've heard. Worth more than four times it's $800.00 selling price compared to what is out there under $4000.00 sonically. Small size and connection options makes it really easy to integrate with any system.Since it reclocks Benchmark claims it can be used with any transport...BULL###! The better your source the better the sound. Used it with a Theta DaviD transport , wonderful, an Audio Note CDT-2, wonderful, a Classe CDT-1, NOT VERY GOOD! Well worth a listen ***** Cisco McGregor PS buy one, you'll love it
I have one and love it. When I bought mine you could by it directly from Benchmark with a money back gaurantee. John Marks of Stereophile is a fan of this DAC.