Multi Disk CD Players?

I am looking for suggestions as to what to consider when purchasing a high-end multi disk CD player. I presently own a Adcom GCD-700 that I am dissatisfied with. I have read quite a bit about the CAL CL-10, but that is no longer manufactured. Can you provide me some alternatives?

My system currently consists of Thiel CS2.3 speakers, Adcom GFP-750, GFA-5802, Nordost Red Dawn Interconnects and Audio Zen Santori speaker cable.
Since your universe of potential players is very limited, you may want to consider an external DAC. Use your Adcom as the transport to power the DAC.
Thanks for the response. I should have noted in my previous post that I already use an Adcom DAC for that purpose (e.g., HDCD capability). However, my dissatisfaction with the GCD-700 is not one of sonics, but of workmanship. On several occassions, a CD has gotten stuck in the machine so that I could not eject the CD nor rotate the platter. In each case, I had to open the machine and manually remove the disk. Even when the player is working properly, the platter appears extremely flimsy and makes an awfull sound when rotating.

Are you familiar with the Rotel GCC-1055? I was going to give that a look as it's Rotel newest 5 disk player.
Actually if your DAC has a delta/sigma type converter, the changer transport of choice is an Aiwa XC-37M or XC35M. They sold for under $100 new. Now discontinued, but left over models appear on eBay a lot.

It sounds like the problem is with your specific unit, unless this is a defect with Adcom in general?