Connect dac to Music Hall CD-25 or upgrade?

Current system:
CD Player: Music Hall CD-25
Integrated Amplifier: Musical Fidelity A300 Integrated
Speakers: Joseph Audio RM25si Mk II's
Speaker Cable: Analysis Plus Oval 12 speaker cable
Interconnect: Alpha Core Micro Purl I/C
Still using stock power cords

Here's the question:
I want to upgrade the Music Hall. I have about $1500 to spend. Am I better off using the Music Hall as a transport and spending all the $ on a DAC or should I sell the Music Hall and buy a whole new CD player? I listen to a lot of small jazz combos, female vocalists, some chamber music, and, lastly, some good old Grateful Dead.

Thanks for the help.
You might keep the Music Hall and try out one of Audio Note's DACs. The 1.1 signature DAC is very nice.
Not to "not address" your question but...

You really should upgrade your power cords. I have the Music Hall CD25 (horrible stock pc), I put a Blue Circle PC on it and it does make a difference.

I completely agree with Mattybumkin. Start with the power cords before spending big $$ on a new player. I tell people the same thing about the Cambridge Audio D500(and SE) CD player. Those stock Cambridge and Music Hall cords put a metallic glare to the sound and restrict dynamics.

Both players have good parts inside. They just need a better power cord to take them to another level sonically.

I also agree with a Blue Circle BC61 ($83). I use one on my DAC in my main system, and on the CD player in my office system. Get one for your amplifier also; or better yet, get the BC62 power cord for the amplifier ($165).

You have absolutely nothing to lose getting new power cords first. If you still decide to get a better CD player later, you will already have a good power cord to use with the new player.