How does the Jolida JD-100 compare to...

I've seen alot of comparisons to CDP's that sell used for less than $1000, but can anyone report how this CD player compares to higher end units? I've got an Arcam CD23, and would like to know if anyone has done any comparisons. Or how about some other very good units, such as the Theta Miles, Cary upper end players, and others.

All relevant observations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hi Muralman1

Telescopes, I am no longer buying, selling or
trading...for a little while anyway! :o)
But I have had just about every scope known to man.

Got any scopes you want to sell?? :o)

Anyway, thanks for the reply, I have heard of the 5751's
also, where can I get those??

Hi Bob

I have a friend who recently bought Green Mountain speakers. He is powering them with a Wadia and Levinson. It passes my trusty Leo Kottke test disk with flying colors - almost no do. He auditioned Renault speakers too, and they were great as well. Dynamic driver speakers have come a long way in sonic purity. I am a die hard dipole lover. Scintillas are my present speakers.

The only scope I have is the Televue 85. I use it for daytime photography and nature viewing mostly - had some good views of Jupiter. It makes a killer 600mm lens.

5751 tubes are where you find them. Check out any of the net tube vendors. They will all have some of one brand or the other.

Thanks! The TV 85 is a nice little scope. I have had
many apo's up to 7" and a couple of 10" achro's, and
at one time had an 11" F15 refractor on order, but
turned the order over to a friend (now proud owner)
before it was finished.

I have a pair of Green Mountain C-3's on order
should be burnt in next week by Roy and shipped
soon after. He sent me a loaner pair of his little
Europa's to hold me over until then...amazing little

I hear ya on the dipoles, I owned a pair of Wisdom
Audio D-75's for awhile and they were fantastic!

I'll check into the tubes.

....the jolida to a Audio Aero Prima or the new Cary 308t. There have been many favorable reviews of these two players although I know they cost a bit more than the Jolida.