Removal of acoustic popcorn ceiling?

We are remodeling our house and currently have an acoustic (popcorn) textured ceiling. My wife would like to remove the popcorn texture but I am afraid it is going to hurt the sound. We have a very open floor plan and the room where our system is only has three walls (side wall is brick) with the fourth wall being our dining room and kitchen. I have a fairly modest system (compared to many of you) but I am fairly content with the sound I currently enjoy and do not wish to compromise the sound for this aesthetic change. My wife is very accommodating and has agreed that the popcorn stays if its removal will have a negative impact on the sound. Your input is greatly appreciated.

The system (if it matters):
Anthem AVM-2
Anthem MCA 5
B&W N805
Ceiling mounted rears
Klipsch sub (to be replaced by REL Storm)

- Dave
We have removed popcorn from our own ceiling using a
specially designed scraping blade. Another option would
be to install a second ceiling over the present ceiling.
This latter goes much more quickly and gives a better
finished result.
dunno what you mean by "popcorn ceiling" but if it helps to reduce slap echo then you'll be the worse for removing it. I had our whole living room ceiling sprayed 1" thick with cellulose insulation fiber (bleached white vs. the standard warehouse gray). This helped tremendously & while the room is still slightly 'hot' acoustically, ordinary wall rugs, partial floor carpet, & some stuffed furniture were adequate enough treatments that no 'special treatment appliances' were needed. For me this ceiling is much more WAF-freindly than the ugly alternatives if I didn't have that ceiling.
The asbestos date was 1977--phased-out from 1974 law./ Builders were allowed to use what they had/ It just couldn't be mfg'ed after 74./By 77 you couldn't use it period. One could have a sample tested. You can use an encapsulating rubberized paint over it.(Legal) If you are sure it is post 77 and want it removed--empty the room, plastic the walls and floor, wet it then the home depot scrapper. It comes off like a hot knife through butter when wet. It falls onto the plastic ready for disposal-- Only if asbestos free. It would be a major problem it it was"hot". 10's of thousands of dollars to have it removed and disposed of.I would keep it /or encapsulate it( depending on the date it was put on) The sound absorption/ first reflection/value;the reason.

If this is on most of the ceilings one would assume it was put on when the house was built/ If you know that date you are fine. The date the house was built is also stamped inside your toilet. The back side of the tank cover/ also inside the tank near the top.