Rega Jupiter owners, What are you using for Tweaks

I just purchased a Rega Jupiter 2000. The owners manual states that the original feet are all thats needed for the best sound.
I'm not so sure that the Rega feet are the best option.
I would like to hear from the Rega fans with what works best for them.
Also would be interested in anything that you found to work with the Rega Jupiter.
I know that tweaks are different for each system. I would like some ideas. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the always helpful advice.
Ag insider logo xs@2xramond
One of the most common is to Isolate the CDP.I personally use Aurio isolation bearings 1.2's.
At my local dealer all of the Rega CDP are up on bearings.
What a difference.

I have the Rega Planet 2000. You must replace the power cords - the included PCs are terribly grainy, and suck the life out of the sound. I am using Kimber PK-14, and it has made a huge difference.

Of course, interconnects are also very important.
Great question and something I've been curious about as well. I am a big believer in Vibrapods but it made NO difference on my Jupiter 2000. So, those squashy feet on the Jupiter are definitely doing something right! That said, I have to believe that the squashy feet can be improved upon.
I am tempted to try the Mapleshade isolation system (iso-pads, maple block and UltimatePoints) but have been balking at the cost.
Thanks to all who responded to this thread. Greatly appreciated.
Another question with the Rega Jupiter.
Sometimes when I'm playing the music on the loud side, the cd skips. Have any of you had this problem?
Thanks again, Rick.
The only explanation I have for this is that some pretty serious vibrations must be getting to the player. Is your equipment on well isolated stands or is it on an "entertainment center"?