Upgrade Path: CDP or Preamp

I'm a little perplexed. I've got the upgrade bug and I'm not sure how to proceed. I would like to augment my system by replacing either the CDP or the preamp. I'm not sure which one will improve the system's sound the most and give me the best sonic improvement for my money. I, of course, can replace one then the other, but which one should I replace first? For auguments sake my budget is around 1000 bucks for either component. I love jazz and of course a variety of current and classic rock. I mostly listen to cd's but I do have a turntable and a bunch of albums (these are less convenient to use since they've been relegated to the basement). I also use the tuner quite a bit for backround listening (the tuner in my preamp is poor, but I have a classic Mitsubishi analog tuner in another system I would use when I replaced the preamp). Overall the sound is good, minus the tuner. I know it can be better. Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks in advance for your responses.

My system:
Denon DCM 370 changer sitting on a set of Vibrapods
Music Hall MMF 7 TT w/ Goldring Eroica Cartridge
Creek OBH 8SE MM phono preamp
B&K PT3 preamp/tuner
Odyssey Stratos amp w/ cap upgrade
Van Den Hul D102 III IC's connecting cdp to pre to amp
Monster something or other connecting phono pre to preamp
Monster 12 gauge speaker wire.
If you can go a little higher than $500, there's a Klyne SK-5A for sale here at $695. It would keep you happy a long time. When your bank account is healthy again, a Klyne would be a good catch. With respect to Pmi_guy, even better than an Anthem, IMHO.

Stan Klyne still services the SK-5A, even though some parts are no longer available.
I can tell you that either would have given you improvements. Looks like a speaker wire improvement is in order for that system too.

Personally I went with the Arcam cd73t and it was a clear improvement in my system. I like rotel but it can be a bit uninvolving and sterile. I had the same choice to make and I chose to upgrade the cdp and have never looked back.
Congrats on your Rotel purchase. I believe the Rotel that you have has a detachable cord. When your wife cools down you might try an aftermarket cord. Better shielding and grounding may help decrease the noise and increased transmission of power may help the correction circuitry.

Just a thought.