Is anyone aware of any digital equipment that can compete with EMM Labs? What about Redbook?
Mikelavigne,I'll have a chance some day to listen,to this new digital standard,and yes i will say that from time to time a new product,is designed and so well engineered that it raises the bar and we all get more enjoyment out of our passion for this hobby!But,MAINLY all of the time is the flavor of the month Brand! Enjoy your system!
Mike can you give me some idea of how long it take to break in the Dac6e... I have had mine for two weeks.

Mikelavigne, I have the Audio Note DAC 1.2, which is not an upper level AN DAC, however it has all Black Gate caps, tantalum resistors, solid silver wiring, a custom (internal) HMS Gran Finale IC, AN copper caps on the analogue board, NOS tubes and AN DAC 4 silver wire interface transformers. It has been taken to about as high a level as I am capable of taking it. I don't know how it would compare to the other AN DACs or the Meitner DAC, but since I recently added the AN DAC 4 interface transformers, it now seems phenomenally good.

Have you had any experience with the Audio Note DACs as compared to the Meitner?