looking for best isolation platform for CD player

Looking for best isolation platform for High End CDP , Linn / Audio Aero Capital/ Ensemble new cdp out next few weeks / not sure yet what I'm getting. Using XA7ES right now.

I have a stand now ( Atlantis ) and looking at audio points /silent feet, not quite sure if these are the right ideal or is there a perfect platform specialy for CDP .

Note: just bought Sistrum SP1 for my amp should be here next week.
Yea, I'm punctual and consistently persistent. Here's a for instance... We forgot to ask Proy if he has received his Sistrum Sp1 yet and how he likes it..Maybe his description will incite another RIOT!! As that man Warren always signs , Peace Tom..
I'm an analog guy, so I can't say from experience what will be best under your particular CD player.

However, I can say from experience that the best things I've heard under any other piece of audio gear are the Sistrum platforms and Audiopoints.

I'm also a firm believer in coupling and not isolation. I have been so for many years, and only recently(about a year ago) found out how good the Sistrum stuff is at achieving what I wanted to achieve.

I'm not going to fan any flames about what can and cannot work, but I will repeat that I am firmly in the "coupling" camp. I use the Sistrum stuff from one end of my system to the other. It is doing what I want it to do. As most of you know, I am very hard-core, and if it didn't work extremely well, it wouldn't be in my system.

Many times it is hard to break from a trend that has been generally accepted for years. Sometimes "doing a 180" from what you have been trying for years can pay off. This is one of those times.

A good question to ask yourselves is, "If isolation is so important, then how can this form of direct coupling with zero isolation provide such good results?" Perhaps you may conclude that there are 2 ways to control vibration in the system. In any matter of choice, there is always a winner. Do not discount the idea that this well-engineered application of direct coupling could be the winner. In my application it clearly was the winner, and I suspect it would be in many other applications also.


I saw my name mentioned in the thread again and thought I would add a few remarks on 2 subjects:

1) I fully support the advancement of audio and support the comparison of components as a means of advancement. Tom invited me to Louisville to compare my stand to the Sistrum. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn. My stands are calibrated to the components that rest upon them. The Sistrum is not calibrated to the component. I suggested Tom bring a stand to Chicago. This may not be practical for Tom and if we are unable to compare stands, it is no reflection on the products or us. This brings me to my second point,
2) Well-executed isolation systems have existed in audio for years. Unfortunately, they have been held captive inside stratospherically priced components. Some of the vibration reduction solutions marketed at various price points shouldn't claim to isolate. Such claims cause discontent and disappointment. You can see this in the emotions in the thread. Recently, things changed. The white paper I offered is accurate. The solution is executable.

Thanks for your consideration.

Keep the faith

As I mentioned in an earlier post, if Tom likes it its a great product. That said, Joe, who was, after my silliness as to who posted what, contacted me graciously. He listened to my description of energy transference and said it had merit. I am not saying its the best, but I do know it can work under properly used conditions. With 70# of suspended mass, and energy flow into this mass, assuming the transfer takes place with proper and (appropriate) mechanical impedences it can help. I am sure, like amps and preamps there are many good answers. I am pleased that this thread is so positive now, with all of us agreeing that many things work to varying degrees. I would like to hear Joe's and Tom's, and vice versa. Mine is, as I said a homemade, though difficult project,cheaper, but agreeing with Joe in his mention of the phrase stratopheric pricing. That's the shame of this.
Hey Tom, can you give us some idea of how much, and where to go to see pictures of the products you're talking about? Joe, same here, how do we see more?
My (and I think our collective) goal is better sound however we do it.
Tom, does your product work on all pieces, cd, turntable, preamps, etc, or does it have a particular strength, where its better? Joe, same question.
Mine while probably not as sophistocated,(or maybe expensive either)usually works on everything to a degree, with lead acting as RFI inhibitor, as a bonus, and energy transfer. It would be great to get several together to check this all out. The Grail is pretty elusive, at least to me! You guys have me interested. I for one do not find the old tip toes or similar items to help that much on anything but turntables. Sorry just IMHO! So don't get mad.
Good Listening,
Joe, you might want to speak with Dennis Gulino who also is a member of the Chicago Audio Society and who has a Sistrum rack. For what it's worth, Robert Maicks of Audio Machine & Design (makers of Sistrum and Audiopoints products) visited the club quite a few months ago and talked about and demonstrated some of the products. A different approach and a different set of objectives, from what I can tell.
