looking for best isolation platform for CD player

Looking for best isolation platform for High End CDP , Linn / Audio Aero Capital/ Ensemble new cdp out next few weeks / not sure yet what I'm getting. Using XA7ES right now.

I have a stand now ( Atlantis ) and looking at audio points /silent feet, not quite sure if these are the right ideal or is there a perfect platform specialy for CDP .

Note: just bought Sistrum SP1 for my amp should be here next week.
Geoff I have an older Denon player in my collection that also had a data buffer. Adjusting the laser focus offset and focus for the eye pattern, all way before the error correction, improved the sound with each little turn. I have a propretary device I use that will reduce laser scatter and decrease error correction as well as four other benefits..Tom
makes sense; the laser reading process seems critical to final outcome. The off the shelf player does OK but not anywhere near perfect.
Theaudiotweek...Please explain how error correction has any adverse effect on sound. An error CORRECTION code enables recovery of the original data, as if no error had occured. This is true up to the point where the error rate exceeds the correction capability inherent in the degree of redundancy in the code, after which the system may resort to interpolation of corrupted data, and that might be audible.

As I have mentioned before, believe it or not, the purpose of error correction is not to correct errors. It is to enable the data transfer bandwidth to be increased by running the hardware so fast that some (correctable) errors are expected to occur. You give up some bandwidth to data redundancy, but you more than get it back by running faster.
After 32 years of selling audio and video products I left my long standing job with one of the Mid-West's premier mid to hi-end dealers. My last day there was Friday. My experience dates back to the late stages of the tube classic era of Mcintosh, Marantz and Citation. I was there with the introduction of the new classics from Audio Research, Mark Levinson, Krell, Linn Sondek, Dalquist. I sold the first consumer VHS players from JVC. The father of current surround sound was CD-4 and SQ from Pioneer and Marantz. Had the pleasure of meeting with Peter Snell, Jon Dalquist and Matthew Polk in the comforts of my own home. These were the years Hi-fi was the most exciting and fun..Was it a just a younger man's outlook that made it so exciting. Was it part of the aging process that made the experience become more of a pain than a pleasure.. Some but not all..How about Mega stores The Inter-Net open Sundays till 5pm..You sold it me but I bought it somewhere else for 10 dollars less, but can you show me how to hook it up, the place I purchased it from didn't have a clue. Time for me to take care of myself for a change....So at this late date I have struck out on my own with an equal partner..We will be designing building and installing complete home entertainment packages.. My first love will remain two-channel. When I can make two-channel sound as if it has no boundaries or limits then I know I am there. I will continue my relationships with manufacturers whom I know and who know me. Some of these vendors will be unable to set me up as a dealer at this time..There are numerous reasons why. Let me state, as always I have never, and will never try to sell on Audiogon any equipment that I may represent as a dealer.. My home system is my Frankenstein creation, it is a UFO of some repute..The devices I use, many of my own creation, and others, that I may get on my soapbox to preach about are whats keeping my interest in hi-fi alive. The fact that I can show an audio novice something so simple as the marked improvement provided by an Audiopoint makes me smile loudly. Room angles and boundary geometry are so important, what a difference all these passive mechanical devices do make..So fellow Goners shall I be a real Goner now that I have announced that I hope to some day, be a dealer of great repute? Tom
Tom: First of all, i'm glad that i'm not alone in trying to avoid as much error correction as possible. I'm not saying that we shouldn't have it, i'm saying that we shouldn't need it if everything is working optimally. At least we agree on something : )

Other than that, i see no reason to "disappear" from these or any other audio based forums so long as you make your affiliations known. If you recommend a product that you are affiliated with, make it known in that same post. I see nothing wrong with someone sharing their opinions / experiences with various products so long as they make their business affiliations known up front. There are several dealers that do this ( Duke from Audiokinesis comes to mind ) and their input is always very helpful. Why cut yourself off from something that you enjoy and can be helpful with just because you do something similar for a living ? Sean