Hey Suko,
I am an EX CAL/ARC fella. I divorced CAL/ARC because I am into more of a mellow articulate sound rather than that classic high definition sound that I feel is suitable for the type of music genre you described earlier. Right now, I am using Meridian 500/518 to a Channel Island DAC.
I do believe the CAL DX2 and their other one box cd players are more mellowy/airy sounding. It is different with their Alpha and Sigma processors atleast with the Mullard tubes I had in them.
Regarding Jolida, I doubt it is my cup of tea, although, I've read nothing but praise on Agon and on just about any web sources I got my eyes on. Also, for live music, I believe the old Thetas would do a nice job too.
Also, there are plenty of arguments that claim new digital technology is better than digital technology from a few years ago. I compared the Channel Island DAC with my old Meridian 563 which is circa '95 I think. Albeit, I don't have upsampling, but I don't feel 24bit technology is all that. But, I am using the Channel Island DAC instead of the 563 because the CI doesn't have a pre-emphasis circuitry which makes it more compatible with the 518.
I am an EX CAL/ARC fella. I divorced CAL/ARC because I am into more of a mellow articulate sound rather than that classic high definition sound that I feel is suitable for the type of music genre you described earlier. Right now, I am using Meridian 500/518 to a Channel Island DAC.
I do believe the CAL DX2 and their other one box cd players are more mellowy/airy sounding. It is different with their Alpha and Sigma processors atleast with the Mullard tubes I had in them.
Regarding Jolida, I doubt it is my cup of tea, although, I've read nothing but praise on Agon and on just about any web sources I got my eyes on. Also, for live music, I believe the old Thetas would do a nice job too.
Also, there are plenty of arguments that claim new digital technology is better than digital technology from a few years ago. I compared the Channel Island DAC with my old Meridian 563 which is circa '95 I think. Albeit, I don't have upsampling, but I don't feel 24bit technology is all that. But, I am using the Channel Island DAC instead of the 563 because the CI doesn't have a pre-emphasis circuitry which makes it more compatible with the 518.