I spend way too much time on the internet researching everything audio and looking at demos and used equipment sections of stores' websites not to mention ebay and agon. Down side? How about counterproductive. Audio is supposed to improve my quality of life, instead, I seem to become a slave to it. Maybe after I find the right CD player... Oh and I got 4 pairs of speaker, 3 amps and 4 CD players that I don't even use.
Oh, I am in Orange County.
I spend way too much time on the internet researching everything audio and looking at demos and used equipment sections of stores' websites not to mention ebay and agon. Down side? How about counterproductive. Audio is supposed to improve my quality of life, instead, I seem to become a slave to it. Maybe after I find the right CD player... Oh and I got 4 pairs of speaker, 3 amps and 4 CD players that I don't even use.
Oh, I am in Orange County.