Wadia 860, Levinson & Aero Cap Direct into Amp

Has anyone compared any combination of these three players running direct into the power amp? Or even the Accuphase or Resolution Audio 21? If so what did you hear? I am looking for a natural and musical sound, that is not forward or bright. Details, dynamics and a wide soundstage are also characteristics that I am interested in, etc.

Thanks and Happy Listening.
golden_ears he needs a hearing exam something is wrong if he kept the Capitol
In a hobby where changing a power cord can make the difference between thinking you just purchased sonic nirvana or the worst piece of junk ever made, one must be careful when making blanket statements about gear! That being said, I have owned many of the aforementioned players and would have to say that the Levinson 39/390S delivers a substantially better presentation across the board...extended, controlled, dynamic with tons of texture tone color and spaciousness. The Wadia was refined but a bit forward and closed in, lacking air...otherwise superb! I own neither currently as long term listening revealed their sound to be a little overdone or surreal if you will. Live music, truly live acoustic music treads a fine line of dynamics, control, ease and subtelty that are missed with most digital gear.
Well, we all have excellent ears and the best systems but a great cd player can only be as good as the cables that hook it up.A moded 860 should eliminate the these 2 players with out much trouble,however, a mode is not cheap to do with GNSC.A GNSC mode is able to provide a level of musicality that only the top players are capable of, to my ears and Steve at GNSC. The cable of choice is the VD Master for i/c and p/c,if you know the cable then you know what it can do.I also have the VD BX inwall wiring and can say that it is a major upgrade to all the pieces in ones system.I think that Wadias offer huge performance with the right cables and modds,but you need to deepen your investment to achieve truly reference system.If you are looking for a bargain then you get what you pay for.
I realize the Resolution Audio Opus 21 may be beneath most of you folks since it retails at $3500, but anybody know how it stacks up against the Capitole?

Curious as I own the Opus and am looking to upgrade (when I win the lottery), possibly to the AA w/ analog inputs.
Mejames, I was just stating a fact that I know-of, without insulting anyone's hearing ability. (so far)
His hearing and experience with various components are great, and his system is far more resolving than the one you appear to have with your Wadia, so perhaps that it is for that reason he could hear the better player. >:-)