To Linn and Theta listeners...

I've recently upgraded my CD source from a Rotel 975 (as transport) and Theta Progeny (as D to A) to a Linn Ikemi. Rest of system is: Linn Majik, N805 biwired, PS Audio Power Plant, and Audio Quest Midnight Cables, room is heavily treated.

Now to the issue - I've lost some of the immediacy of my music. For example, female vocals have lost the goosebump factor (the breathyness, the crispness, the tension) in exchange for a greater smoothness. Also, some of the details of the insturments have been masked somewhat (the guitar plucking, etc). And while hardly unpleasent, the laid back nature of the Ikemi just doesn't pull me in the way the cheaper playback did.

So, to those of you who have heard both Linn and Theta, am I hearing the difference between two D/A approaches or could it be something else?

Thanks for your thoughts/time in advance.

Please post a follow up when you've settled on a solution. FWIW, I tried a Seismic Sink (pneumatic) under the Karik and thought it robbed some pace from the player. Too much of a good thing in the smoothness department. Audiopoints were better, for me, and the Seismic ended up under my preamp. I've never tried the Bright Star sandbox or the Roller Block, and the Aurios always intrigued me...
Lee, your saying that the Ikemi went from being worse than your old digital setup to goosebumps with golfballs? I have the Genki and have settled on homemade rollerblocks. I used very thick measuring spoons from target with ball bearings sitting on electrical putty sitting on acrylic coasters. It's a pretty cheap solution with much less fuzzy sound. The black diamond racing cones do a little bit better in the bass region but not the mid to highs.

Well, goosebump territory was an overstatement :) Just got excited and could see how coupling/isolation/dampening _can_ make a difference (something I was closed to before the golfball experiment).

Since that post, I've experimented with many different approaches and am still in that phase. I love your homemade rollerblock solution! I've purchased the grade 25 tungsen balls from McMaster Carr and have been trying to figure out keep them in place; your spoon idea is inspired.

So, I guess this thread has evolved into something else - what to rest the Ikemi on (it's clear it's a superior player).

Once again, thanks to all for being so helpful.


Lee (now an audiogon member)