What's up with Joida stuffs from Hongkong?

There have been tons of Jolida JD100s (and probably the amps too)from Hongkong on sale much cheaper than here. When I emailed Jolida USA they simply said that they don't have any dealers in Asia.

So is the Factory in HK (or China) just make more of them and sell directly to stores in HK? I know that Jolida hires them to make the JD100.

Could someone shred some light on this?

Aside the topic, how reliable are the JD100? I was incline to order one from HK, but one CD skip would offset all the saving.

I live about 20 minutes from Jolida's HQ and own a JD100. I love it - worth every penny! But I bought it via the net from a dealer in CA for a lot less than they wanted at Jolida! I asked them at Jolida HQ about the asian amps and they told me the amps from overseas are less well built, BUT I did some research and found their amps are all built in asia, so I think they were just trying to sell to me with no discount. I was "in back" of their HQ. They do repairs there and some assembly, but no construction. Also, when the Hong Kong dealer was selling on ebay, his seller ratings were very good. I still dealt with the dealer in CA (not as cheap, but I was just more comfortable). He included a tube upgrade, too. Hope this is a bit helpful.
Dave M
I can't shed any light on your intriguing story. It does sound like a flourishing black market. I have had a Jolida 100 for about a year now. The only thing I think of to watch out for is leaving the earphone volume on unconnected. That can burn out a triode. Other than that, you lucky guy, buy one.
Its China product now, like other brand Consonance, Original, Shanling.

I have ever audited Jolida top tube amp model, sounds reallly good.

JD100 is good cheap ones, skipping problem is the quality control issue. Ask dealer to cheeck before ship.

I always do this before sending mine overseas.
The Jolida uses the same transport as CDPs costing three times more, and is not likely to skip any more than they. I am amazed the Jolida company would let this profit hemorrhage go UNCHECKED.