SACD 2 channel vs Redbook 2 Channel

Are they the same? Is one superior? Are they system dependent?
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RSBeck, well said. I perceive tho art a diplomat.

Your post above is one of the most straight-forward, calculated, and well-thought out responses I've yet read in these parts of cyberspace.

Rsbeck: Once again you took a figurative statement I made about the "hall ambience" as me claiming fact which is the farthest thing from the truth of the matter. What you should have done is to focus on what was said on the posts before and after that figurative statement was made. Your own statements made in your last post should have already pointed you what I have said earlier. You do a good job of pointing out some of my own statements that is put in a figurative wording and of an opinion, but do an equally good job of avoiding points that show some downsides to the medium that is in question.

I cannot conceive of what benefit there is in this conversation. There is no technical discussion even were the posters informed that negates the clear superiority of sacd in most instances. The new XRCD24s are clearly competitive with sacd, however.
I think Ritteri's answers and experiences with equipment is very credible.I agree with all his comments on gear and SACD,DVD-Audio, and Redbook CD's.He has given me some great advice on gear,and I find he is 100% accurate in his descriptions of the sound.I have chosen some good gear based on his recommendations and my evaluations of the gear he recommends.Ritteri has ALWAYS steered me in the right direction.