SACD 2 channel vs Redbook 2 Channel

Are they the same? Is one superior? Are they system dependent?
I cannot conceive of what benefit there is in this conversation. There is no technical discussion even were the posters informed that negates the clear superiority of sacd in most instances. The new XRCD24s are clearly competitive with sacd, however.
I think Ritteri's answers and experiences with equipment is very credible.I agree with all his comments on gear and SACD,DVD-Audio, and Redbook CD's.He has given me some great advice on gear,and I find he is 100% accurate in his descriptions of the sound.I have chosen some good gear based on his recommendations and my evaluations of the gear he recommends.Ritteri has ALWAYS steered me in the right direction.
Music Direct also sells the Adcom GFP-750 and everyone there highly recommends it.They told me it was the most accurate and transparent preamp under $2000.00.
Ben, here are two modders whithin shouting distance of you and they both mod the 963sa plus many other sacd players.
Acoustic Reality now mods the 963sa also.
Look under whats new at